This is love :)

Heyyyyyyyy! Assalamualaikum :)
I'm extremely happy with him yesterday!
Dah lama tak movie date kan my dear :) I had so much fun! :D
Kalau boleh nak book semua ticket nak tengok haha! 
I choose Twilight and he choose Alex Cross..
Dua2 movie best and twilight paling buat aku feeling pasal scene lawan cabut kepala tu akhirnyaaaa wa kena beb!! haha itu imaginasi semata-mata hahaha aku dengan Iz gelak je :D
Sebelum tengok twilight tu kitorang spent time pergi makan! Iz pilih Nandos! His fav :)
Hahaha Iz makan paling banyak and I'm happy :) Jarang dapat hayati dia makan tau! hahaha
Then lepas tengok twilight kitorang took our Hi-tea :) We ate doughnut!!
Sampai mengidam aku tunggu nak makan dengan dia tau.. Thank you big pau! :*

Pau gemuk! Nak lari pun susah! hahahaha!

After hi-tea we continued our movie marathon, Alex cross..
Then he sent me home..
I got stomach pain! *sakit perempuan* I've spoiled our time together.. really sorry my dear :'(
He being so romantic and really cared about me wherever we go he looked after me.. That makes me so touched :')
Dear you, Thank you soooo much! Wonderful memories with you after we Aaaaaaaa Errrr.. we get Bond! hahaha :* There's no pictures but memories will be permanent... Always..
I miss you! :)

Lots of love,


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