I'm not going to lose feelings towards you!

 ♥  16 JANUARY 2011  

Hey peeeeeps!
Nafsu mira nak blogging harini dengan ghairahnyaaa! Lol
stop merepek mira! Ni pun bergaduh dengan adik nak rampas lappy..
adik aku memang selalu merosakkan mood aku yang setinggi awan ni....
okay enough dowan to talk about that.. :)

SIXTEEN JANUARY TWO THOUSAND ELEVEN?? Haha guess what? Tenenenet :p
My annivsry? No.. My birthday? No.. My boy's birthday? No......
hahaha.. mira pun tak tahu macam mana boleh ingat tarikh ni..
What a long term memory i had! Mu takdo mu diam... Haha!
Well It was my first time i saw IZMAR HARDEY ISKANDAR PUTRA....
Haaaa mention nama penuh lagi tau.. I love you Charming :*

Acane mira boleh jumpa dia? Errr lupaa la! hahaha!
Okay mira tipu! Mestilah ingat woi... Nak cerita kat anak cucu nanti., Ha ha ha
First time nampak dia dalam bus that time on my way to go back to hostel sama dengan dia..
Dahla kali pertama kena balik sendiri nasib baik one of my school friend ada.. kalau tak? aku sesat kot...
Time dia naik bus lalu sebelah aku, perhh macam cerita hindustan wa cakap lu.. haha
Mira pandang dia but no respon at all.. sighhhhhh..
Time tu jugak nak tekan loceng bas tapi tinggi tak cukup so dalam hati mengharapkan dia tekan loceng tu..
BIla dah nak sampai tu mira toleh belakang nak suruh dia tekan tapi dia pandang tempat lain.. dia tak tekan pun..
so mira makes sense yang dia nak singgah tempat lain kot..
sampai bas yang mira naik tu dah jauh ke depan..
mira dengan kawan mira tu stop dekat pekan rembau nasib tak jauh dari sekolah.. pheww
And diaaaa? hahaha sesat sampai tampin.. kelakar je..
berangan lettew dalam bas! haha!
Sayangggg, dont chu run away from me okay? Stay forever with me no matter what tau! :)


I pray you will stay a long time with me because my heart
really loves you and need you always my Charming :)
No words can describe my feelings how lucky i am to have you :)
I just realized that I seriously can't live without you. You're the one that can make me happy 
and you are the one that's successfully made me feel so blessed sayang....
Thank you for every single thing you gave to me, thank you for the effort that you showed me, 
thank you for being way too faithful and loyal and thank you for everything you've done to me.
I really really appreciate you love.. Alhamdulillah :')

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