You brought colours in my life :)

Heyyyyyyy! Assalamualaikum!
Ni dah minggu kedua cuti........
How's my study? Erggg! not so guwwwwd~
Kat rumah ni tak tahu lah kenapa susah sangat nak focus....
Macam-macam nafsu bila duduk rumah. Lol!

Last night he pujuk me by sang "Relaku pujuk" song!
Sweet kan? Noooo??!! Ohh sour kot :ppp
Dia cakap "Dengar tau iz nyanyi jangan comment"
hahaha! Kalau orang comment jugak apa awak nak buat? :p
Sedap ke tak ke it is not the matter! Asalkan you ikhlas kan sayanggggggg! :)
I love the way you tried to makes me happy <3

I wanna riding a horse with you! Just you and me.....
we were sing together in the long journey and let the horse bring us far away..
we will making memories that we will never forget......
Awwwh! Jauh betul mira berangan :p
haha pagi tadi mira Whatsapp dengan dia and we was talking about that..
how sweet lah diaaa rasa macam nak "Bennnnnngggggg" perut dia! haha!
Everyday we were getting to know each other deeper :)

Haziq :)

See! Si comel ni sama macam ayahsu dia tauuu..
always being sweet to me..... :*
Ikut jejak langkah ayahsu dia tuuuuu :p
Well, maksu miss you too Ajiq!
but rindu kat ayahsu ajiq lebihhhhhhh :)

Lots of love to both of you :*

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