Thank you for taking me into your life :')

 It doesn't matter how hard you fell for me. What really matter is how long
you will stick with me sayang :)

Yesterday was really awesome day I had with Izmar <3
Naaaaaaa! kitorang tengok movie kali kedua for this holiday la :D
Great and Awesome movie i tell yaaaa..!
Tak caya? haha Pergi tengok sendiri okay! :p
Tapi MIB3 tu banyak part menggelikan aku... haha banyak alien.... Euww! 
Okay sound gedik here right. haha! who caresss :p
When i'm with you, i'm the happiest person ever! :)
Lepas ni tak tahu la bila kitorang akan ada "movie date" lagi..
Spm just aroumd the corner.. and our trial on September!
I'm really scared! Macam-macam fikir...
I just want to make my parents proud of me, and I want a bright future so who knows I'll help my parents and family one day. That's what I'm aiming for. 

"Saya sennnnnnntiasa sokong awak sayang.. 
sentiasa doakan awak.. awak jangan risau ye.." -Him

"Saya nak belajarkan untuk awak tu mustahil, jadi saya sokong je lah untuk awak.. :)
kalau awak nak stay up, saya boleh teman..
nak bangun pagi saya boleh jadi alarm awak..
nak pakai alat tulis ke apa, saya boleh sediakan.." -Him

Dia cakap macam ni kat mira... I'm really touched :')
Awak, thank you so much! A million thank you for supporting me
and I sincerely hope that we will share our success together
so that others can be inspired to follow our splendid moments of my life..
You are the unseen hand that touched virtually each moments of my life :)
I will never stop believing in you, just have some faith 
and you will always be with me, I promise :)
Wish me luck. And pray hard for me :'/ 
All the best for your future, 95's.

Our pictures yesterday! I love the moments...

Dia malu bila mira tangkap gambar dia :p

Dia tangkap gambar mira, Haaa muka ni dia dapat! haha :p

We ate Pizza! Dia makan paling banyak! Gemuk en dia :p lalala

Main flash cameraaa.. Sakit mata~ :p

Nampak tu! terang betul flash dia -.-

Dia malu malu kambing orang nak suap dia :p

Last but not least our picture together :)

A big thanks to you again Iz for spent your time with me :)
Thank you for everything I really appreciate you :*
I love the feeling i get when i'm talk and look at you <3
Sorry for punch your "Kek lapis" hehe but you deserved it.. TENENENENET :P
One of the best memories with my loved ones that I can never forget. 


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