Goodbye SPM Goodbye School!

Assalamualaikum :)
I'm back! for a longggggggg time I didn't blogging..
SPM makes me not to involve in blogging for awhile..
Nawhhhhhhhhhhhh here I am :)

My spm was soooooooooo Aaaaaauuuummm! hahaha! 
ada okay ada aaaaaahh tak nak cakap.. yang penting aku dah buat dan usaha yang terbaik..
hope that everything will be fine.. Lets pray!
Sebelum spm macam macam plan nak buat lepas spm.. bila dah habis spm what happened?? seems nothing..
Nevermindddd.... nanti lah tu! 

Now end of my school life.. haihhhh.. sedih? gembira? Ahhh mixed up!
stepping into adulthood is not easy as I thought..
growinggg older!!! but Im still sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet seventeen! mwehehe!
I will definitely miss the memories I've made there.. A lot!!
I miss seeing my crush so bad!!
well life must go on..
with a new life I mean REAL life...

I'm growing to love my new life with Izmar Hardey Iskandar Putra! :)

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