You Brighten Up My Life ♥

Hi Sunshine! Assalamualaikum :)
This post mira dedicate untuk my only one who stole my heart. Yes you sweetheart! *tunjuk tunjuk*

I've waited for so long for someone like you and finally my dreams come true. Ya Allah, I'm Thankful to have him in my life :')

Dear Mr. Cinderella,
You put the smile on my face. I just want to be by your side and I don't want to be any other place. Only you prince! forever and ever.. InsyaAllah! 
I think of you every moment of the day and how much I love you, words could never even say. you're so mean to me. *hugs*

saya percaya awak. Thats why i've made decision to fall in love with you. No one else could replace you sweetheart.
*grab your hands* Dear, I love you with all my heart and I wish for us to be together.... I have faith on you sayang!
Takdir telah temukan kita, kalau kita tak pindah sekolah now, mesti kita tak falling in love kan :) Saya bersyukur awak... dan saya harap awak yang terakhir untuk saya :)
Ya Allah, Kau berkatilah hubungan kami ini. AMIN! :')

Izmar Hardey Iskandar Putra,
Thank you sebab awak sanggup tunggu saya.. 
Awak buat saya rasa bahagia awak :') sangat bahagia!

Dear love,
I hope we'll always be together and things will never tear apart,
I'd also like to remind you again that I love you with all my heart. Remember that sayang!

Mia sayang Iz <3
Me gonna miss you everyday, every minute and every second!

P/S : Thisssss!


aku dan sesuatu said...

insyaallah kowg akan stay selame nyep..
sal akan setiase doa kn kowg.. =)

Mirra Nsr said...

Awww! :') Thankyou Sal... :)

Mia Daliesya said...

moge kekal . akak sentiase doakan yang terbaekk untuk adek adek dorm akak (:

p/s:follow akak ! kalau tak , akak shoot mia . ngeeee ~

Izmar Hardey said...

thank you sal, you too.. ^^

Mirra Nsr said...

Thankyou kak :)

p/s: haha DONE FOLLOWED! :)

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