Had a sweet and wonderful time with my only one ;)

Assalamualaikum peep's :)
Almost 2012 dah kan. I've really high hopes for 2012 ;D
Dear 2012, be nice to me eh !

4 more days mira nak balik hostel dah and you know what? me gonna celebrate birthday dekat sch and asrama.  must be really boring! Ahh its okay lah. :/
Sch open nanti no more phone no more internet. yay! sounds great aite -.-
Thats mean me and my mr cinderella cant contact like always anymore, i mean less 1 year until SPM. 
He hate waiting and im afraid that he will leave me just like that. That feeling....... ahh suddenly stuck on my mind. Go away lah shit! I trust him... InsyaAllah he never leave me.. kan sayang? :)

Yesterday, spent my time with him. Yeah, seriously he made me smile and laugh. Idk why semalam dia senyum and for the first time aku rasa dia cute. eh bukan rasa tapi dia memang cute! haha habislah kembang semangkuk mira puji ni. hewhew.. 
kitorang tengok movie "Mission Impossible" dekat Mid. Jalan-jalan, makan, tengok pets, and macam macam lah.  Dahla everything dia support mira rasa bersalah sangat :(  Kitorang beli jam sama. warna biru yahhhh my fav colour xD We gonna wear it next year. Sweet kan kan? hahaha.. Ni kali terakhir kitorang keluar for this year lah. Next year still ada tapi tak tahu bila.. we will wait and see :) Im really thankful because i've you. You make my life happier and meaningful.. there's no picture but memories always in my heart.

Dear you, thank you for everything. *WHISPER* i   you. okay *tutup muka*


Izmar Hardey said...

betul3.. I wont leave you.. Huhu.. You light the skies up above me.. A star so bright you blind me.. Don't close your eyes, don't fade away.. You and me we can ride on a star, you and me we can light up the sky if you stay by my side, we can rule the world..

*whisper* *we both close our eyes*
Me <3 you more.. :)

Mirra Nsr said...

so sweet of you sayang. *big hugs*

miss F said...

ehem.ehem..tumpang lalu~ haha

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