The end of National service training program :)

First of all Assalamualaikum! :)
I'm home! Back to Malaysiaaa! haha melampau! Kl sudahhh :D
Alhamdulillah everything went well.. Makin tough berat badan pun menaik -.-
haha! so many thing that I've learn there.. Especially dalam ilmu agama..
Rasa macam nak putarkan balik masa and nak ajak Iz sekali belajar sama-sama tau :)
Bahhh it's okay apa yang aku dapat I'll share with him :)

Bila kita berhijrah ke sesuatu tempat tu kalau perangai kita tak berubah memang rugi..
I meant everywhere we go, there must be something we learn.. Sikit pun takpe janji ada kan :)
Semangat aku pergi sana nak berubah, belajar istiqamah dengan apa yang aku buat..
"Merungut"? perkataan tu tak sah kalau takde bila berada dalam kem macam ni kan..
But aku belajar sikit-sikit untuk tidak merungut cuma satu je la yang aku still tak faham and memang akan merungut dekat kem aku tu.. Time management kat sana memang buat aku panas sikit la haha bukan sebab aku tak reti nak uruskan diri aku dalam masa yang singkat but kadang2 tu kena duduk dekat dewan without do anything. Tu la paling membosankan.. -..-

And now apa aku dapat aku akan stay and akan belajar lagi new thing for the better! :)
Bak kata ustaz " Takkan nak tunggu sampai seru baru nak berubah" haha! Ayat kasar tu tapi maksud yang mendalam.. Tazkirah ustaz yang paling aku ingat "Jadikan harini lebih baik dari hari semalam dan celaka seseorang itu kalau harini lebih buruk dari hari semalam" Itu firman Rasulullah, so from that Tazkirah membuatkan aku sentiasa muhasabah diri.. Harap2 semua ni berterusan dalam diri aku dan diri orang lain jugak :)

Here's a few bitter sweet memories there in Kem KKDB Tuaran, Sabah :)

    Fly back to Kl :)

     At KLIA

This part I'm so touched! once I reached KLIA, the person that I miss so much is there waiting for me :')
I just can't imagine sampai je Kl dia ada. Dia kelentong aku -.- He said he's still at Kluang! Bertuah punya pau hitam! hahaha.. Kak suzy pun ada sekali tau! Sayang betul kat bakal kakak ipar aku tu! hehe ^.^
It's so special when the person show the effort to surprise you in his own way. Thank you my love! thank you kak suzy! Love both of you so much! :* 

There are so many experience that taught me there and hoping it will positively change me for the better. Amin! :)

Just spread :)


Hijab? Cover your Aurat? Emm….
I just want to spread this to the people who’s willing to change.. Forcing other people to take this such a huge commitment won’t be easy.. A sincerity is what we need J
I know I am not good enough in this but I smoothly change to be a better InsyaAllah :)
As you all can see there's a lot of girls out there had changed them both physically and internally  to be a better Muslimah..
It is not easy to makes them change but the feelings will come naturally. Trust me :)

Why I am saying this??
Naaaaa because I had the feeling before.. when I am in the middle form 2 I started fully cover my Aurat..
Before this I just wear tudung just because my mum want it and what’s worse is sometimes I feel insecure when some girls display their hair and dressing freely .. Frankly speak I am not ready yet that time until one day my teacher named En. Syafie called me personally infront of the class..

Teacher: Awak ni nampak cantik bila pakai tudung.. Kenapa awak tak pakai tudung?
Me: *Senyum* Aaaa nanti saya pakai tudung..

OHHMAIII !!!! It’s sound like my teacher “menggatal” with me kan? Hahaha! It is not actually!
My friends said that too..
It takes time. But in the meantime you can’t just wait till the right time, you have to do some effort as well.. “Mirror-mirror on the wall” haha Ask yourself babe J Orang kata Muhasabah diri..
Alhamdulillah Allah shown and gave me “Hidayah” to fully cover my aurat :’)
I feel so blessed to finally been chosen as one of the billions Muslim out there to find way back to Allah J

See! When we want to change we need support from family friends even teachers..
It naturally comes from your deep of your heart.. Besides, when you want to change but you not ready yet just pray to Allah, may Him open your heart J

Sometimes, a good changes will be critics and hatred from other and it never stop chasing you.. Well people nowadays like to “Jaga tepi kain orang” This is life! Don’t easily feel down and you don’t have to care about what these negative-minded people will think about you.. This is you! You change because of Allah.. Trust yourself J
Pakai sebab fashion? Atau sebab nak glamor? Naaaaaa look at yourself in the mirror and think!
Cover your Aurat with pride girls J



“That Allah may forgive you your sins of the past and the future and complete His favour on you and guide you on the Straight Path.” ~Al-Fat-h [ 48:2]