sayang ku..

Dear awak, me with him there is no special feeling between us. Just a friend... About my older entry yahh itu first time we met each other since form 2. Im wondering why you suddenly nak jealous about him? He is not my crush..  Mia baru jumpa dia masa nak dekat raya tahun lepas. That time mia baru lepas break and him too. That time kitorang rapat sebab masing masing single.. That time pulak you still in relationship with nina. I ingat lagi iz..

Kalau iz nak tahu lagi mia jumpa dia tak pernah berdua! Setiap kali jumpa mesti ada kawan mia or kawan dia...

Izmar hardey iskandar putra,

I only have you... The only one my crush.... And my future! InsyaAllah..

No doubt in me please.

I cant stand if you being jealous like this. Ask me if anything that make you feel hurted... Im your girl kan? :(

Apa iz nak tahu tanya mia..

Sedih tau bila iz tak tanya mia dulu... Terus fikir bukan bukan... :(

Awak tak percaya kita kan? :'(

Sayangku, jangan kau persoalkan siapa dihati ku.. Thats you! Only you iz..

Ingat tak kita pernah promise each other, kalau ada apaper share sama sama... Tak kira apa pun...

Mana janji tu sayang? :'/

Just so you know that im always jealous with you and her dulu.. Dulu i stalked awak dengan dia. All your pictures together.. Blog dia blog awak.. Till now mia ingat apa yang dia pernah post dekat blog dia tu. Haih macam macam iz. Tapi mia malas je nak fikir cause i knew that it is your past! Tanya la mia apape so that you can put your trust on me. If you dont want then nevermind. 


Im only the person that love you so much... :)

IHIP's <3

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